Tuesday, February 25, 2014

To: The New Year's Resolution

Written: January 5, 2014

I think back on my last twenty seven experiences with you and confidently say I’ve never taken part in the whole concept of you. Be it pride, laziness, or fear of failure, I have never jumped on the ship. In fact, I don’t think I could even be guilty of buying a ticket for your voyage. If I did, I imagine I didn’t write them down or share them with anyone. I wouldn’t want to be lumped in the crowd of people who make lofty goals and fizzle out of them by March. . . err, February.

However, I have decided this is the year. 2014. Something about it just has a fabulous ring; a ring that compels me to write down goals and be held accountable to them. And by goals, I really mean just one. (Let’s not get crazy here.) Simply put, my goal for 2014 is to DOCUMENT. I want to document life and its happenings. My memory has already started to fail me, so I would like to record the days, memories, highlights, and general musings of life as they fly by me. Enter: the blog.

That’s right. . . this blog is the manifestation of my goal. It seemed like the perfect solution to my desire and an excellent channel for documenting. Initially I thought I would buy another diary/journal to add to my collection, but my husband quickly reminded me that we are in the 21st century (even though I still love a mix CD over an iPod playlist) and suggested a blog. It makes sense: I type out subjects and thoughts I deem worthy, and the world wide web will store, share, and save them as long as I find necessary. Perfect.

So, here’s to a goal. Here’s to documenting. And, here’s to remembering the moments of life (be it sad, mundane, simple, funny, extraordinary, or refreshing) that shape the people we become.  I hope I don't let you down, New Year's Resolution.

From:  Paige

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